Thursday, December 18, 2008

Horses and Sheep

Sarah and I gave our gifts to the class today. We gave everyone chopsticks, but not just any chopsticks. If you were born in 2002, you received a horse chopstick. If you were born in 2003, you received a sheep chopstick. 2002 was the Year of the Horse, and 2003 was the Year of the Sheep. We practiced using the chopsticks during snack today.

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We thought it would be fun to show you Table Tops again. We had three tables of fun. Students can choose where they sit and what they do during Table Tops.

coloring with friends

building with friends

creating a picture using magnetic cubes and color-by-number pages (with friends)

We also wrote in our journals and shared our writing. It is always fun to see how proud everyone is of his/her story and illustrations.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We talked and read a few books about Hanukkah. We also completed a few Hanukkah themed worksheets, and we tried to finish a couple of projects before the long break. It was a busy day!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Pattern Block Present

We used pattern blocks to create a present. There was an outline of a present on the page, but many ways to create it. It was fun seeing all the different results. Then, each student counted how many of the pattern blocks they used and recorded the numbers at the bottom of the page.

Friday, December 12, 2008

4th Grade Buddies

We had a blast of an afternoon with our 4th grade buddies. They helped us make Diwali flower necklaces, Chanukah handprint frames (you can glue a picture in the middle), and Santa faces with handprints.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

We enjoyed two different performances during Assembly today.

The drama class from CASE performed their latest play. The play had lots of movement. The actors even painted at the end of the play!

We also enjoyed Latin Idol! Seven dance groups are competing for the title of Latin Idol. Why Latin Idol? All of the songs were sung in Spanish. Everyone can vote for their favorite group. Our class will vote tomorrow and turn in our ballot. The Spanish teachers will announce the winner during our next Assembly.

We also played a math game. Everyone rolled the dice and charted the sum. We had two different math counting strategies - pointing at the dots and counting or putting one number of dots in your head and counting on the rest. Both strategies are fabulous!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Great Wall of China

We made the Great Wall of China in our room! We worked for a good portion of the morning. We read about the wall, discussed how we want to build it, and then worked together. After it was built, we wrote in our journals from the wall! The day was a blast!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Birthday ~ Flight to China ~ Geometry Shapes

Happy Birthday Evan!

We are waiting to board the flight to China.

Everyone is ready for the trip. Safety belts are on, and emergency exits are visible.

Captain Boaz explains the flight plan.

We pause above the north pole for a in-flight snack...a rarity these days!

We visit a school in China.

Upon landing, our passports are stamped for entry into China.

Also today, we talked about geometric shapes, sides, and points (vertices). We brainstormed how to make shapes using a chinese jump rope and had fun making them. Lastly, we made shapes using straws and pipe cleaners. Everyone started by making a triangle and then could move on to a shape of their choice.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Thank you to Jack's mom for joining us today to talk about Chanukah. She shared a Chanukah story with us, explained how to play the dreidel game, and gave everyone a dreidel. We had a great time playing the game.