Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Zoo Animals ~ Ocean Animals

The Columbus Zoo visited today during Assembly with some awesome zoo animals. Their program focused on adaptation - changes that have happened to help the animals survive.

This is a Tamandua which is a type of anteater. Its tongue can reach 16 inches to scoop ants out of a hole!

This is a Harris' Hawk. We watched a video showing how it can hunt with other hawks.

These are Hissing Cockroaches! They are very important creatures in the jungle. They eat the debris on the jungle floor and help keep it clean.

This is a Serval. He leaps through the tall grasses of Africa. He has large ears, so that he can hear small animals (his prey) even when they are underground.

This is a Military Macaw. He climbed down a rope to get a treat, and he pulled up the rope to get a treat!

This is an American Alligator. It floats below the surface waiting for prey to come close.

Mrs. Florey joined us after lunch to share her ocean artifacts. We also watched a video of her diving with dolphins and diving with sharks! One of the instructors even petted the sharks.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Melanie!

Happy Birthday Melanie!!

Everyone had a great day getting back into the swing of school. Rumor has it that there are only about 50 days of school left!! THAT is hard to believe. Sarah and I are thoroughly enjoying watching your children grow and mature.

On the swimsuit front...we forgot to send the swimsuits home before break. I washed them up, so they are clean and ready to go for the next D day. Sorry for the confusion.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Jump for Heart ~ Divers in the Ocean

We cheered for the 4th Grade classes as they jumped to raise money for the American Red Cross.

The divers are done! They are swimming in the KC ocean.

Have a great spring break! See you Monday, March 30!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

We are continuing to work on our divers. They are looking fantastic and should be swimming in our ocean tomorrow.

Mrs. Mullin is one of our librarians, and her family loves to dive. She brought her diving gear to school today for a Middle School activity in the pool. After lunch, she shared her gear and some pictures with the Kindergartners.
Mrs. Mullin explaining diving techniques to Middle School students.

Mrs. Mullin sharing her ocean adventures with us!

At the end of the day, we watched the 4th Grade musical, School House Rock, Jr! It was fabulous!! Here are a few pictures. Can you spot the 4th graders who have K siblings in our class?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Outside Imagination Stations

We took advantage of the sunshine and went outdoors for Imagination Stations. It was a blast having the playground all to ourselves.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Star Student Lauren ~ Purim ~ Jell-O Painting ~ School House Rock ~ Winter Trees

Lauren was our Star Student today. If she could have any pet in the world, she would have a cat. Her favorite foods are nachos (w/ meat & beans), pizza and ice cream. She is special because she is confident at her work. She also likes to play with her cousins.

Jack brought in a Purim book and shared how his family celebrates the holiday. Purim is a happy holiday where people share their good fortune. Jack brought in a noise maker to show one of the ways they celebrate. Everyone got to try the noise maker which was very cool.

When we missed school on Friday, we missed a very special art project with the letter J. We decided to do it today because it is just so fun! We used glue and JELL-O powder to make lovely, beautiful-smelling pictures.

The entire Kindergarten watched a few of the School House Rock videos today. The 4th Grade Musical is "Schoolhouse Rock Live!, Jr", and we will see a performance of the musical on Thursday. You can find the original School House Rock videos on Youtube if you want to check them out at home.

We also created lovely chalk drawings of our tree in winter. Some of the words we used to describe the tree are smooth, bumpy, grooves, gray, and lines.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Lauren ~ Cat's Meow ~ Ocean Sharing

Happy Birthday Lauren!

Mrs. Butler and Ms. Garver performed at the talent show a few weekends ago, and they performed their song at today's assembly. Their song was the cat's meow. Ask your KC kid about the lyrics!

At Assembly today, a representative from each Kindergarten class shared work from our ocean study. Melanie and Keiran shared the diver that their group created.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Grant ~ Ocean Art

Happy Birthday Grant!!

We started a few other ocean animals for our KC ocean.
Making krill with celery and paint.

Fish Rubbings

Continuing to work on our fish.

Jellyfish Painting