Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Zoo Animals ~ Ocean Animals

The Columbus Zoo visited today during Assembly with some awesome zoo animals. Their program focused on adaptation - changes that have happened to help the animals survive.

This is a Tamandua which is a type of anteater. Its tongue can reach 16 inches to scoop ants out of a hole!

This is a Harris' Hawk. We watched a video showing how it can hunt with other hawks.

These are Hissing Cockroaches! They are very important creatures in the jungle. They eat the debris on the jungle floor and help keep it clean.

This is a Serval. He leaps through the tall grasses of Africa. He has large ears, so that he can hear small animals (his prey) even when they are underground.

This is a Military Macaw. He climbed down a rope to get a treat, and he pulled up the rope to get a treat!

This is an American Alligator. It floats below the surface waiting for prey to come close.

Mrs. Florey joined us after lunch to share her ocean artifacts. We also watched a video of her diving with dolphins and diving with sharks! One of the instructors even petted the sharks.

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