Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Keiran ~ If I were president... ~ pennies

Happy Birthday Keiran!

In our journals, we wrote what we would do if we were president. We have lots of animal lovers who would house and feed ALL the animals. We would also feed people healthy food, lower gas prices, fix roads, give people jobs, take care of fire hydrants, teach kids to read, help teachers, and not make food go stale. Lots of great ideas!

We also talked about the penny. We noticed that it is worth one cent, has smooth edges and bumpy sides, has a picture of Abraham Lincoln on one side, and has the Lincoln Memorial on the other side. We counted pennies and wrote down the amount using the cent sign. We talked about the equal sign again, and we discussed that it is a balance. What is on one side of the equal side has to be the same as on the other side. Everyone had fun and learned a lot. Got a jars of pennies around? See if your KC kid wants to do some counting at home.

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