Friday, February 27, 2009

Scuba Gear ~ Puppets

We were able to explore some scuba gear thanks to another K parent. It was fun to see the diving suit and to try on the flippers, masks, and vest.

We made puppets in Art class. Some of the puppets came home, and others are still drying in the classroom and will come home on Monday.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Star Student - Max ~ Shells ~ Viking swimmers

Max was our Star Student today. We learned that Max would have a cat if he could have any pet. His favorite foods are Gushers and mashed potatoes and gravy. He is special because he is handsome. He can also ride a bike and break dance.

Exploring Shells

We cheered on the Upper School swim team members as they left for the state meet this afternoon. V-I-K-E-S...Let's Go Vikes!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ocean Questions ~ Fish Faces

Our questions about the ocean continue to grow.

Everyone loved reading Fish Faces by Norbert Wu.

Friendly fish?? The large, yellow fish is a moray eel. Also pictured are a cowfish and a puffer fish.

a spikey lionfish

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Star Student - Zoey

Zoey is our first Star Student. We learned that if Zoey could have any pet in the world, she would have a dog. Her favorite foods are pancakes, chocolate, hot dogs, ice cream, pasta, and cinnamon rolls. She is special because she is sensitive. She also likes to go to the lake. Thanks for sharing with us!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Imagination Stations

Here is another peak at our Imagination Stations (free play).

Friday, February 20, 2009

PreK Play ~ Plankton

We started our day by watching the PreK play, The Bear Case. It was very cute and brought back some fond memories from our K kids that were in this play last year.

We also talked about the oceans today. We used Google Earth to see that the world is covered mostly by water. We talked about plankton, and we watched two videos. The video links are listed on the right side of the blog. There is a video called Plankton Parade and another called Manta Rays Eating Plankton. After watching Plankton Parade, we drew plankton and put them up in the room. Ask your K kids where you would find our plankton pictures in our classroom. Manta rays are filter feeders. In the manta ray video, you can watch the rays funnel water through their mouths to filter out the plankton.

Here are a few plankton pictures.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Snow is over, and we are moving on to the ocean.

Here are some of the things that we know about the ocean.

Here is just the start of our questions about the ocean and ocean animals.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our 100 Items

Here is what we brought in for our 100 items. We worked with partners and counted the items by 5's and 10's.

soybeans and crayons

beads and pennies

hot wheels and an assortment of batteries, screws, beads, pencils, switches, screens, magnets and cars

puzzle pieces and Trix cereal and Q-tips

two sets of pennies

Lincoln Logs and index cards and tiles

jelly beans and paper clips


Here are 100 minutes of fun on the 100th day!!

We took 100 donuts and estimated how many we would each get after evenly dividing them among the class. The majority thought that they would get 10 donuts each! We passed the tray of donuts, and each person took one. We passed it 5 times before there weren't enough for everyone to have one more.

We drew how we will look in 100 years and wrote what we will say in 100 years.

We exercised off those donuts with the 100th Day Olympics!

We made necklaces out of 100 Froot Loops.

We built towers with 100 cups and 100 plates!

We decorated ties with 100 stamps.

more building...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pattern Block Puzzles

We completed pattern block puzzles. We worked with three puzzle papers. The first paper included the shapes and the lines. The second paper showed the same shapes as the first, but no lines. The third paper had more complicated shapes to explore.

pattern blocks

shapes including the inside lines

more complicated shapes to copy