Friday, February 20, 2009

PreK Play ~ Plankton

We started our day by watching the PreK play, The Bear Case. It was very cute and brought back some fond memories from our K kids that were in this play last year.

We also talked about the oceans today. We used Google Earth to see that the world is covered mostly by water. We talked about plankton, and we watched two videos. The video links are listed on the right side of the blog. There is a video called Plankton Parade and another called Manta Rays Eating Plankton. After watching Plankton Parade, we drew plankton and put them up in the room. Ask your K kids where you would find our plankton pictures in our classroom. Manta rays are filter feeders. In the manta ray video, you can watch the rays funnel water through their mouths to filter out the plankton.

Here are a few plankton pictures.

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