Friday, May 29, 2009

1st grade students ~ 1st grade teachers

Three 1st graders, who were in KC last year, joined us to practice reading their books in preparation for their Author Tea next week. Each student wrote a book about Japan which is what the first graders are currently studying. The books were fabulous! It was fun to see a glimpse of what the Kindergartners will be doing next year.

We also met the first grade teachers. We asked questions about next year and walked through the first grade classrooms. The first grade teams are: Ms. Spolter and Mrs. Klug, Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Yakscoe, Ms. Whipps and Mrs. Downing, and Mr. Connick and Mrs. Faciana. In this picture, we see Ms. Spolter, Mrs. Simmons, and Mr Connick.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


How fast this year has gone, and how much the class has grown! The first picture is from Slate Run Farm and the second is from today.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

4th Grade Buddies

We enjoyed seeing our 4th Grade Buddies at the end of the day. We worked on a memory page, ate a few Oreos, and played outside.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Eric Carle ~ Name Collection

We read Eric Carle's book, THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR.

We looked at different fruits and vegetables. We used these fruits and vegetables as stamps to make our version of the Eric Carle book.

The KC Kids stamped:

9 mushrooms

1 avocado

7 potatoes

5 apples

and 3 peppers

to make a fabulous book!

Name Collection

We put 5 beads on a pipe cleaner and found the different ways to make the numeral 5. After we worked with 5 beads, we added another bead to figure out the ways to make the numeral 6. At the end of the lesson, everyone kept their 6 bead bracelet for more mathematical fun at home.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Senora Robeano and her assistant, Ms. Korda, are ready to make salsa with the class. (Alix is my niece who graduated from CA two years ago. She is fluent in Spanish and is helping the Spanish department for a few weeks while she is home on break.)

Yum! It looks great. Here are the salsa and chips.
Below are pictures of the class making and eating the salsa.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Morning Table Tops

This is how we started the day.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


We looked at a very old potato with some pretty cool roots growing out of it. I think you can even tell from the picture that it is "squishy" - as one KC kid aptly described it!

Today was our busy day of Assembly, Spanish, Music, PE and Art. The Lower School Strings students performed. CA students can start in the strings program in 2nd grade.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Math Machine ~ Pretzel Fun!

We have been working with a "math machine". The machine takes a number in, processes the number (adds 1 in this example), and puts out a new number. Everyone enjoyed churning out new numbers!

If you are look(ing)

for something to do this summer,

this might be it!

We used alphabet pretzels (from Meijer's) to spell our Word Wall words. It was deliciously fun!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Ryan! ~ Star Student Keiran!

Happy Birthday Ryan!
(a June birthday)

Keiran was our Star Student. If he could have any pet in the world, it would be an elephant. His favorite foods are ice cream, cucumbers, and steak. He is special because he is funny. He likes to play!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tree Book ~ Math ~ Drama

We worked on our May tree illustration. We used construction paper to create a lovely, green tree with many branches.

We played two math games. We played a memory game where the players had to find the matching number of cubes.

We played Hidden Sticks. In this example, 9 sticks are showing on the table and one stick is hidden behind Kurt's back. Rucha knows that Kurt started with 10 sticks, and she now needs to figure out how many sticks are hidden.

We enjoyed Drama and played "When I go to the garden...".