Friday, May 29, 2009

1st grade students ~ 1st grade teachers

Three 1st graders, who were in KC last year, joined us to practice reading their books in preparation for their Author Tea next week. Each student wrote a book about Japan which is what the first graders are currently studying. The books were fabulous! It was fun to see a glimpse of what the Kindergartners will be doing next year.

We also met the first grade teachers. We asked questions about next year and walked through the first grade classrooms. The first grade teams are: Ms. Spolter and Mrs. Klug, Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Yakscoe, Ms. Whipps and Mrs. Downing, and Mr. Connick and Mrs. Faciana. In this picture, we see Ms. Spolter, Mrs. Simmons, and Mr Connick.

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