Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rain! ~ 4th Grade Buddies

I don't know if you can tell, but this is a picture of some wet kids. We were outside trying to take a picture of the Lower School, and the rain hit. We all got a good laugh out of the situation.

Our 4th Grade Buddies came to our classroom to visit. We read books, played games, and worked on puzzles. What a great way to end the day!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Planting Hair

We planted grass seed today.

We filled cups with soil, added grass seed, and top it off with additional soil.

We added a touch of water.

How many days until it sprouts? Ask us how it will become hair!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Star Student Lakes ~ Senior Buddies ~ Math

Lakes was our Star Student. If he could have any pet, it would be a cockatoo. His favorite foods are watermelon, pizza, and fruit. He is special because he knows how to use an ax. He likes to fish and ride on a four wheeler.

We sang to our Senior Buddies at their last Assembly and then went out to play with them on the playground. We'll miss seeing them around school!

In math, we covered shapes with unifix cubes, counted the number of cubes, wrote those numbers on a white board, and used signs to show which number was more, less, or equal. It was a lot of work, but very fun.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Star Student Ryan ~ Flowers ~ Number Grid

Ryan is our Star Student. If he could have any pet, it would be a dog. His favorite foods are ice cream, carrots and pizza. He is special because he helps. His favorite thing to do is play.

We read a book about flowers and drew half of a flower on a piece of paper. Then we switched papers, and someone else completed our flower! Everyone did a great job of cooperating and trying his best to follow the original design.

The Number Grid was empty!

Everyone found hidden numbers around the room and put them in their correct numerical order.

We reassembled the Number Grid.

Almost done!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Spanish Salsa Garden

We planted a salsa garden during Spanish class. Our class planted jalapeno peppers. We are bringing home our individual plants and keeping the classroom container in the Spanish area. Senora Robeano will make salsa with the class later this year.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Star Student Maggie ~ Counting ~ Tornado Drill

Maggie was our Star Student today. If she could have any pet in the world, it would be a dog. Her favorite foods are macaroni and cheese and pizza. She is special because she is nice and thoughtful. She likes to cook, play soccer, and play board games.

It was gorgeous today, and we were sick of being indoors. We went to the track and counted our way around it. We have impressive counting skills in KC. We also played Red Rover on the football field.

We had a tornado drill at the end of the day. Our class and KA sat on the bleachers waiting for the "all clear" message. It was a quick and easy drill.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We "painted" our April tree illustration with our hand and arm!

We added a very funny poem to our Poetry Journal and illustrated it. I think this poem made everyone giggle!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


We started our Growing Theme. Here are some of the questions that we have about growing and the book that we read today.

There was a magic seed on our writing journals when we returned from Music. It was fun to read everyone's magical seed adventure!

We also shared our stories and illustrations.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Daily 5

It was a short day, but we still squeezed in a round of Daily 5. Daily 5 options are reading, dictionary work, writing on fun paper, word work or listening to a story. I'll show how we listen to stories later in the week.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Senior Buddies ~ April Tree

We had a great time with our Senior Buddies. Our buddies picked us up at the classroom and walked us down to the gyms to play games.

Simon Says...lie down

Simon Says...put your hands in the air

Simon Says...hold your ears

Simon Says...sit down

Red Light, Green Light

Duck, Duck, Goose

Parachute Fun

We visited our tree and wrote about the buds we saw on the tips of the branches.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Star Student Rucha ~ Disappearing Train

Rucha was our Star Student. If she could have any pet, it would be a bunny. Her favorite foods are pizza, pasta, marshmallows and popsicles. She is special because she is a good sister. She likes to play with barbies and her baby brother.

We played a game called The Disappearing Train. We played in pairs and small groups. Everyone started with 12 cubes and rolled a die that was marked with +2, +5, +4, +3, -1 and -2. Students removed or added the appropriate number of cubes after each roll. We played for a short time and then compared trains to see who had more or less cubes. We even had a few trains that were the same length.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Star Student Kurt ~ Lexia

Kurt was our Star Student. If he could have any pet, he would have a lion. His favorite foods are chocolate donuts and chicken soup. He is special because he is kind and loves God. He likes to do magic tricks and ride his bike.

We go to the computer lab twice during our six day rotation to practice Lexia literacy games. Today we visited the lab before recess.