Friday, April 10, 2009

Guest Reader ~ Magic Show

Mrs. Madison was our Guest Reader. She read Swimmy to the class. She also talked about Passover and explained some of the traditions that are part of Passover. Thank you!

Bill Boaz, a magician, performed for the Lower School today. Bill is Mrs. Boaz's (KD teacher) nephew. He lives in Cleveland and is a freshman in high school. He has been practicing magic for many, many years. He performed for the entire Lower School.

Bill "chopped off" Mason's head. Mason wasn't sure about this trick, but he was a trooper! The trick was very fun...the cucumbers were cut in half, but Mason was just fine. Bill got a big round of applause for this one.

Bill drew a fun face on a white board. The face magically came to life and sang a song. Watch the video below to see it happen.

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