Monday, April 13, 2009

Charoses ~ Drama

We had charoses as part of our snack. It is a side dish served during a Passover Seder. The charoses represents the mortar that the Jewish slaves used to bond bricks. I started with a recipe from Carrie Madison and tweaked it for the classroom. Everyone seemed to really like the dish.

Here is Carrie's recipe:
2 large tart apples
1/2 cup walnuts
(peel/core apples and chop nuts & apples together)
1/2 -1 t. cinnamon
1/4 t. ginger
1 T. honey
2 T. sweet Passover red wine or grape juice
(mix all together)

My classroom version:
3 large granny - peeled & cored, chopped coarsely
1 t. cinnamon
1 t. honey
2 T. kosher red grape juice
(mix all together)

We also shared some Easter weekend stories today, and Rucha brought in Easter egg suckers for everyone to take home.

Mrs. Bateman helped the 4th Grade with their musical, so we didn't see her for a few weeks. We were happy to see her again today. We played a singing syllable game and a game where someone had to say 6 words that began with the same letter before a toy was passed completely around the circle. Both games were fun!

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